Farewell from the 2022 Senior School Captains

Tara S and Nicholas C | 2022 Senior School Captains | Grammar News | 9 September 2022


Last year, for our very first Student Voice article, we wrote about the importance of change. We even went so far as to define it, a noun that refers to “An act of process through which something becomes different”. Funnily enough, that noun is just as relevant now as it was 12 months ago when we first emerged from lockdown and began our role as School Captains. Some things really never do change (get it?!).

But isn’t that what high school is about? Every moment of every day brings a new opportunity for change. Brings a new chance to grow, to learn, to think, and to act differently. Year 12, in particular, is now coming to realise that we have grown up, essentially, alongside each other over the past 6 years. Over that time, our cohort has benefited immensely from the opportunities of St Luke's, from the leadership of its Staff and Student body, from the culture of community and involvement that is fostered here. It is that experience, that opportunity to change and grow in a safe and accepting environment, that we sought to maintain and build upon as Captains and as the Class of 2022.

Indeed, our primary goal, and enduring message as School Captains, was centred around another key noun - Involvement. We have sought, throughout the initiatives, fundraisers, speeches and events, to encourage each and every student to take up the opportunities afforded to them at St Luke’s. We have stressed the importance of throwing yourself wholeheartedly into the things that you are passionate about, and using your individual voice to propagate action and spread kindness.

So if we were to leave with one final message, it would be just that. Get involved. Push yourself out of your comfort zone. Sign yourself up to as many things as you can, try out new skills and sports and activities. Fail, as many times as you can. Look silly, and be ok with it. And then try again. Because you don’t need to do things in order to be perfect, or even remotely good. There is so much joy in simply giving things a go, in having fun and pursuing your individual passions, heedless of the opinions of others or the Machiavelli within.

Because if there is anything that the two of us have learned over the past 13 years of schooling, it is that in the end, the tribulations of academia are not to define the nostalgia for our ‘golden years'. Rather, it is the time spent with friends, learning and growing and changing all the while. What you learn in those moments is the wisdom that will stay with you, despite the changing seasons of our lives.

It has been an incredible privilege to serve St Lukes over the past 12 Months. We would both like to thank the Executive and Teaching Staff, as well as the Year 12 Leadership team, for their selfless work and enduring support. Thank you for everything, and we wish you all the best. As Winnie the Pooh says, “How lucky we are to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard”.

Nic and Tara.