In addition to being a great place of learning, St Luke’s is a welcoming community offering personal support, encouragement, mutual respect and inclusion. It's the perfect cocoon to grow and thrive before we emerge as independent adults. Cienna Swan - Senior School Student

St Luke’s has a strong Pastoral Care structure ensuring each student is known and cared for throughout their learning journey.


In the Senior School, there is time set aside each day for year groups to spend time together during Pastoral Care Time. Pastoral Care Teachers are responsible for a small group of students in their House and facilitate activities relating to wellbeing. These sessions provide a wonderful opportunity to build a sense of connection and belonging between students and teachers.

Throughout their time in the Junior School, students have the opportunity to develop their social and emotional skills through programs such as Grow your Mind, Amazing Me and Friendology.

As a C-12 school, St Luke's seeks to provide opportunities for students to help, mentor and support each other across the school. Senior School students often visit the Junior School classrooms to mentor and support the younger students in their learning and also facilitate discussion around issues such as bullying, friendships and transitioning to Senior School.

The Year 11 Peer Support Leadership program allows the Year 11 students to use their leadership skills as well as their knowledge and experience to welcome, guide and support the Year 7 students in their transition to Senior School. This relationship is continued into the following year when Year 12 mentor Year 8 students in small groups. This provides a space for the students to share and discuss issues including study skills, friendships and broader issues relating to school.

In the Junior School, Stage 3 students act as buddies for Cottage and Kindergarten students. Many other opportunities also occur throughout the school day, which encourage students to be more aware of the needs of others.

School Counsellors

The School Counsellors offer a support service to students and families within the School community. The service covers all students from Cottage to Year 12.

Students are offered counselling support for a broad range of reasons including but not limited to:

  • academic issues
  • social issues
  • emotional issues
  • family difficulties